The Metal Box

He felt the box vibrate. Clankity, clankity, clank! A large copper penny slipped out of the coin slot. Amazed at his fortune, the snake took his penny and glided away.


After a few moments a long legged spider sauntered up the walk. He too saw the sign. “Well…” mused the spider, “I have lots of thoughts, what’s the harm in leaving one itsy bitsy behind.” So the spider t  tossed a sticky thread onto the box and climbed to the window to leave his thought.

I could hear his thought from across the street; “My daddy says, silence is the sound of a spider weaving its web.” Clankity, clankity, clank! A large copper penny slipped out of the coin slot.

“Wow!”, said the spider. “Now I can buy the extra shoes I need!” The spider was happy because he loved to do the Hokey Pokey!

Adjusting his yellow vest between stops a bumblebee happened to spot the box on the walk. “What’s all the buzz about.” He wondered out loud. “Why would someone pay me a penny for my thoughts” He circled the box a few more times then decided he wasn’t too busy to go ahead and leave a thought.

He hovered lazily next to the window and whispered his thought into the box. Clankity, clankity, clank! Another large copper penny slipped out of the coin slot. The bumblebee grabbed his penny and made a beeline for home. He couldn’t wait to tell his honey about his new fortune!